In addition to our journal, the Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ), which is sent to all PEF members, a number of other publications can be purchased via the PEF and their publishers, including the award-winning PEF Annual Series (PEFA). Generous members discounts are sometimes available on new titles.
For further information click on the links below. To become a member click here.
Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ)
The prestigious journal of the PEF devoted to the study of the history, archaeology and geography of the Levant. PEQ has appeared since 1869. There are four volumes published each year.
PEF Annuals (PEFA)
The Palestine Exploration Fund Annuals began in 1911 and after a gap of fifty years the series has been recently relaunched. The Annuals are devoted to virtually all aspects of the history, archaeology, culture, ethnology, geography and geology of the Levant, especially but not exclusively research conducted or supported by the Fund and including excavation reports, major conference proceedings and monographs. Prospective authors are encouraged to contact the Editor of the series, Dr. Daniel Reynolds, Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Birmingham.
PEF Monographs
Occasional volumes sponsored by the PEF that cover facets of its rich archival collections of photographs, maps, documents and archaeological artefacts.
Books Related to Work of the PEF
Publications on topics that illuminate the history, archaeology and geography of the Levant. Several authors and contributors have close connections with the PEF.